С новата услуга „Инвестиции“ в мобилното приложение, потребителите ще могат да търгуват с финансови инструменти, както на Българската фондова борса (БФБ), така и на международни пазари като САЩ и Европа.
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"Perspective" is an alternative solution with which you generate income from your free funds for a period of 24 or 36 months.
The Mutual fund is a Collective Investment Vehicle of opened type for investments in securities and other liquid financial instruments.
Modern capital markets offer a huge variety of investment opportunities. With our agency you can invest in financial markets - Europe, U.S., emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Asia.
First Investment Bank offers structured investment products in the form of bond or deposit. These investment products may combine risk-free investment for the amount of the investment with potential returns of investment in risk asset.
Fibank has a highly qualified team of experts in the field of asset management.
First Investment Bank is a member of the Central Depository AD which enables us to offer to our customers a full range of depository services on the Bulgarian capital market.
Fibank in close collaboration with its clients offers a full range of investment banking services: preparation of prospectuses for public offering of securities, tender offers, disclosure of shareholdings, capital increase of joint stock company.
Our team of investment advisers of the bank prepares and provides a wide range of analyses - from evaluation of a specific financial instrument or issuer to an analysis of a certain asset class, industry branch, regional market or investment strategy.
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