FIB presents its corporate social responsibility account

First Investment Bank presented a report regarding the fund “FIBank’s social responsibility”. It is managed by foundation “Civil Initiatives Workshop” for the last year of 2007. They also released one regarding the projects for the year of 2008 in a special book planned to be distributed in all the branches and offices of the Bank. The book is also published on FIB’s corporate blog.

During 2007, 9 projects were accomplished orientated toward pupils from different orphanages in the country. By having FIB’s financial support and the active participation of the citizens from nine villages, where the projects were carried out, the children were able to gain different professional and social skills – cookery and hairdressing, cycling, photography, team work and etc. Most of the children are already working in the services sector by practicing acquired knowledge in real life. 

First Investment Bank also started a series of projects aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of pupils studying in common schools throughout the country by supporting the school’s libraries. FIB finances a variety of activities – repairs and furnishing of libraries, purchase of books, initiatives bringing back children’s attention to reading and others.

During the present year of 2008 lies ahead an accomplishment of 5 projects. They are once more orientated toward children deprived of parent’s care, occupying homes in the cities of Bourgas, Isperih, Plovdiv, Sofia and Shiroka Luka Village.

Simultaneously, a project would be maintained in relation to supporting the school’s libraries. During the present year, financing is granted for renovating and improving the conditions in 7 libraries. The funds planned for the project amount to more than 23 000 leva.

FIB is the first Bulgarian bank establishing a special fund for undertaking socially responsible activities. In the year of 2004, the Bank with support by foundation “Civil Initiatives Workshop” (CIW) incorporated the fund “FIB’s social responsibility”. For a forth consecutive year, projects are accomplished in the country orientated mainly towards children from homes deprived of parent’s care. For the last two years, the Bank supports two students – Daniela Galeva and Mina Mitkova – former pupils from children homes helping them to continue Higher education in the field of “Economics and Finance”. 

Until now, the first three sessions of the Fund amounting to 21 projects are entirely sustained and financed by the bank, where total support is 76 000 leva. Although different in their orientation, the projects are aiming to develop the required conditions, but also to format children’s abilities so they become independent in life outside the homes.